Ancient Greece portrays a religion that was enriched in various legends. These legends created the fundamental laws and keys to the structural building of numerous Ancient Greek structures. Among them included the Pantheon, a place of worship dedicated to their gods. By using art as a means of decoration the fine art in the Pantheon reveals three major categories which included the Protogenoi, constellations, and beasts (Pomoni, Atsma 1) .
The “Fabric of the universe” is derived from the Protogenoi, the first born gods. These immortal deities include Gaia, Pontos, and Quranos. According to the Greeks, Gaia represents the planet Earth that was believed to have been formed out of chaos. Pontos is physically the sea and Quranos is the arena of heaven. These three deities are represented as the foundational gods who created the universal elements, such as earth, sky, night, and day. The Pantheon’s exquisite art work advocates not only the Protogenoi but also the constellations (Atsma 1, Protogenoi)
The Pantheon’s beauty was decorated with art that retold the myths of Protogenoi, constellations, and Greek beasts. Within these myths came an exquisite building that to this day has been admired for its beauty and its revealing of Greek mythology, the Pantheon (Pomoni).